ILTexas Leadership Speaker Series: General Jim Mattis
AUGUST 23, 2021 –GARLAND, T.X.– International Leadership of Texas (ILTexas), a free public charter school network, hosted General Jim Mattis as a part of our first Leadership Speaker Series for the 2021-2022 School Year.
During the event, which was run entirely by students, General Mattis shared his leadership knowledge with students, including lessons learned during his time as a General in the Marine Corps, as well as his time serving as 26th US Secretary of Defense.
The ILTexas Leadership Speaker Series provides high school students from ILTexas across the state of Texas the opportunity to learn from and engage with some of the world’s greatest leaders. Former speakers include former President of Mexico Vicente Fox, former Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin E. Dempsey.
International Leadership of Texas, a free public charter school district with more than 20,000 students in north and south Texas, prepares students for exceptional leadership roles in the international community. ILTexas’ unique blend of language and leadership sets students up for future success no matter where in the world life takes them.
Click the following link to view the recording of the event -
