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ILTexas Teacher Merit Pay Program


The ILTexas Teacher Merit Pay Program, made possible by funding from HB3 and TEA, is designed to put the very best ILTexas teachers on a path to a $100,000 salary. Unlike many other school districts, ILTexas gives 90% of the money we receive from the state directly to our teachers. The other 10% goes to the non-certified teachers who also show high levels of student growth and would have received a designation had they been certified. These funds are in addition to a teacher's normal salary and is TRS eligible. We know that our students aren’t successful without teachers who are supported and rewarded. 


How it works

The ILTexas Merit Pay System is primarily based on student growth, but also takes into account teacher evaluations and 360 feedback. Click here to review the ILTexas Teacher Merit Pay Program Training.

  • Student Growth – 80% - As determined by STAAR, Map, Istation, or ACTFL

  • ILTexas Modified T-Tess – 10%

  • 360 Survey – 10% - Including peer, parent, and student feedback


Note - We recognize that some teachers teach multiple qualifying courses. We review each teacher's eligibility individually, and on a case-by-case basis to ensure they are receiving their earned merit pay. 


Eligible Teacher Groups & Weighting Structures 
Student Growth

According to our application to TEA, the following student growth ratings will be used for teacher designations for STAAR, MAP, and Istation:​

K-12 Chinese
K-12 Spanish
K-2nd Grade Reading
3rd Grade Reading
6th-8th Grade Reading
2nd & 3rd Grade Math
4th-8th Grade Math
Add a subheading (1)
HS Biology
HS Algebra I
HS English II
Special Education
Add a subheading (2)
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These percentages are based on Domain 2 student growth measures for A, B, and C school designations from state accountability standards. 


SPED teacher designations are based on the top 3 quintiles of student growth. To qualify, the teacher must have a growth measure of at least 50% regardless of quintile placement. 

ILTexas T-Tess

ILTexas T-Tess is our new teacher evaluation program. Click here to review the rubric that will be used for evaluation. 

360 Survey

10% of the ILTexas Teacher Merit Pay Program is based on our 360 Surveys. These surveys will be completed by students, peers, and families.

What do I need to do to receive merit pay? 

If you are a teacher in one of the eligible teacher groups, all you need to do is help your students grow! There is no action needed on your part. We want you to focus on teaching and supporting our kids and ILTexas will take care of the rest. 


If you have any questions about the ILTexas Teacher Merit Pay Program, please reach out to 

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