Trilingual Charter School Celebrates 100% of Students’ College and Career Plans

For Immediate Release
March 2, 2016
Contact: Jim Croswell
International Leadership of Texas
Trilingual Charter School Celebrates 100% of Students’ College and Career Plans
First ILTexas College Signing Day – March 2
GARLAND, TX - International Leadership of Texas will graduate its very first senior class this June 2016. To commemorate this historic milestone in the 59 students’ lives, ILTexas Garland High School College & Career Center is hosting its first annual College Signing Day on March 2, 2016. 100% of this first class have future education plans and/or career plans after graduation. 57 have applied and plan to go to college, and 2 to the U.S. Marine Corps. Totaling over $188,000 in rewarded scholarships, with one student receiving $64,000 from Baylor University, we are extremely proud of all of our students and their commitment to college readiness and leadership.
ILTexas is a college-preparatory, public charter school preparing students for success after high school and in today’s globally competitive world. This vision could not be more evident with over half of the graduating class participating in dual credit hours. On average, 9.8 credit hours have already been earned by an ILTexas student before their first semester in college, estimating a total savings of approximately $2.5M in college tuition campus-wide.
On Wednesday, March 2, the College and Career Center will honor the 2016 senior class as they solidify one of the most important decisions of their future to enroll in college and pursue their dreams. Parents, school administration, teachers, staff, and community leaders are invited to join the celebration. Thank you in advance for your support of this exciting initiative to encourage International Leadership of Texas Garland High School students to make college a necessity.
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Jim Croswell, Communications Coordinator, or 972.685.4990
Katie Sauce, Director of Marketing, Development, or 972.479.9078 Ext. 1002