7th Road Scholars
At ILTexas we believe that education needs to be reinforced with experience.
This is why every year our 7th grade and 8th grade students can participate in a road trip
to bring the lessons from their history books alive.
"Please plan to join us for an informational meeting. Please see the dates for the Road Scholars Parent Information Meeting at your campus:"
Gifted & Talented

SEE me
What is Gifted & Talented (G/T)?
According to the Texas Education Code 29.121, gifted and talented refers to a child who performs or shows the potential of performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment. The child also exhibits an unusual capacity for leadership or high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area.
State Definition of the Gifted & Talented Student
TEC §29.121. DEFINITION: A Gifted and Talented Student means a child or youth who performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who:
Exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area;
Possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or
Excels in a specific academic field.
ILTexas Definition of the Gifted & Talented Student
International Leadership of Texas defines Gifted and Talented as any child or youth in grades K-12 who performs at, or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment, and who:
Exhibits high performance capability in general intellectual ability; or
Excels in one or more specific academic fields: math, science, language arts, and/or social studies
Referral/Identification Process
It is important to note that there are not one or two characteristics that an educator can point to in order to say that a student is gifted – it is a combination of characteristics inclusive but not limited to: highly curious, initiates projects, discusses things in detail, draws inferences and grasps underlying principles, highly creative, and extraordinary memory as compared to peers.
Here is how the referral/identification process for an ILTexas GT student is conducted:

5. Decision:
SST will meet
to determine eligibility
4. Abilities Testing: an abilities
test will be performed if the SST
decides it needs more evidence
3. Review: An SST Committee will meet and review the
forms of evidence and data and decide if testing
will need to be done
2. Screening: A portfolio and multiple forms of evidence will
be gathered on the student
1. Referrals: Teachers/Parents can refer a student for the GT Program by
completing the referral form
Gifted Education Family Network
Families of GT students statewide are invited to join a new network for Texas GT families!
The Gifted Education Family Network (GEFN) is a new opportunity for GT families to receive support, information, and connections with other families, facilitating positive advocacy for Texas GT programs, GT funding, and excellence in gifted education. GEFN is committed to equity and diversity in gifted education. They support the annual GT Parent Conference at the Baylor Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development and other low-cost opportunities for parent engagement across the state.
GT parents from all regions of Texas are invited to join for free, to subscribe to their e-mail news (https://giftededucationfamilynetwork.org/subscribe/), to explore their website, and to follow them on social media (please visit their site for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram links: https://giftededucationfamilynetwork.org/).