7th Road Scholars
At ILTexas we believe that education needs to be reinforced with experience.
This is why every year our 7th grade and 8th grade students can participate in a road trip
to bring the lessons from their history books alive.
"Please plan to join us for an informational meeting. Please see the dates for the Road Scholars Parent Information Meeting at your campus:"
ILTexas BG Ramirez K-8

ILTexas is coming to Liberty County!
International Leadership of Texas Charter School anuncia su expansión al condado de Liberty
9 DE AGOSTO, 2021 – Cleveland, T.X. – International Leadership of Texas (ILTexas), un sistema de escuelas autónomas públicas y gratuitas, se enorgullece de anunciar su expansión al condado de Liberty con la apertura del campus ILTexas BG Ramirez K-8 en el año escolar 2022-2023.
El campus lleva el nombre del general de brigada Joe E. Ramirez Jr., nativo de Houston y graduado de la Universidad Texas A&M del 1979. Fue seleccionado como Comandante del Cuerpo de Cadetes de A&M en noviembre del 2010 con 31 años de experiencia militar en ese puesto. Durante su tiempo en el Ejército de los Estados Unidos, estuvo al mando de soldados desde niveles de pelotón/batería hasta niveles de batallón, brigada y división.
Además de la apertura de ILTexas BG Ramirez K-8 en el año escolar 22-23, ILTexas también abrirá un segundo campus K-8 y una escuela secundaria en el año escolar 23-24. Cada campus K-8 servirá a 1416 estudiantes y la escuela secundaria servirá a 1200 estudiantes.
AUGUST 9, 2021 –Cleveland, T.X.– International Leadership of Texas (ILTexas), a free public charter school system, is proud to announce its expansion into Liberty County, beginning with ILTexas Brigadier General Ramirez K-8 campus in the 2022-2023 school year.
The campus is named after Brigadier General Joe E. Ramirez Jr., a native Houstonian and 1979 Graduate of Texas A&M University. He was selected as Commandant of Texas A&M’s Corps of Cadets in November 2010 and brings 31 years of senior military experience to that position. During his time in the United States Army, he commanded soldiers from platoon/battery levels to battalion, brigade and division level. BG Ramirez was recently selected by Texas A&M University to serve as the Interim Vice President of Student Affairs.
In addition to the ILTexas BG Ramirez K-8 opening in the 22-23 school year, ILTexas will also open a second K-8 campus (ILTexas Sergeant Major Ramirez K8 and ILTexas Liberty High School in the 23-24 school year. Each K-8 campus will serve 1416 students, and the high school will serve 1,200 students. ILTexas currently serves more than 21,000 students at 20 campuses in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and College Station. For more information please see ILTexas.org.
Interested in a career at ILTexas BG Ramirez K-8? Click here!
Coral Martínez Cotto
Coral Martinez has 18 years of bilingual education experience, has been a member of the ILTexas team since 2014, where she has served in the roles of Grade Level Administrator, Assistant Principal, and Associate Principal, and is the proud parent of two ILTexas Eagles.