7th Road Scholars
At ILTexas we believe that education needs to be reinforced with experience.
This is why every year our 7th grade and 8th grade students can participate in a road trip
to bring the lessons from their history books alive.
"Please plan to join us for an informational meeting. Please see the dates for the Road Scholars Parent Information Meeting at your campus:"
Eagle Academy
Homework and Test Procedure for Grades 1-12
It is the student’s responsibility to turn in homework on the assigned date. When absent, students must obtain the missed assignments and make up the work in accordance with the procedure for excused absences. Please reference ILTexas.org for links to teacher pages for class specific information.
Mandatory Eagle Academy
Failure is not an option at ILTexas and our objective is to ensure that every student demonstrates “Mastery of the Material”. Students are expected to complete and to turn in their homework or other assignments when they are due. For students in grades 4th or higher, failure to turn in homework will result in the student being required to stay at school that day to complete the assignment. Parents will be contacted by School Messenger that the student will be staying with an administrator that day to complete the assignment. The details of each campus Homework Academy will be determined at the campus level by the Campus Principal.
Making Up Work for EXCUSED Absences
Students who have missed work due to an excused absence have as many class days to make up the work as they were absent. All work assigned before the student absence will be due the day the student returns to class. If a student misses one (1) class, the student will have one (1) additional class day to turn in the assignment.
If a student has missed several days due to an excused absence, parents should contact the teacher to determine a reasonable plan to help your child catch up on missed work. The late work procedure does not apply to an excused absence.
UNEXCUSED Absences for Grades 1-12
Students with unexcused absences are required to make-up and demonstrate mastery for all missed daily work. Major work may be made up; however, the grade will be no higher than 70%.